Friday, November 19, 2010

A Nutshell of a World

I'm Mila Carmen and it's 4:42 a.m. on a Friday morning. I'm a night owl, on the verge of insomniac, but if I didn't start this tonight the idea may have very well slipped through the busy interstate that is my thought stream, and I could be missing out. Today I just wanted to introduce myself, figuring that if you don't know anything about me, you most likely won't understand the other people I'll tell you about, and then there's no point to this at all. I'm 5'3'' and the Louisiana humidity sometimes screws up my curly red hair, but it's ok because that's why God invented travel. I like to sleep in when it rains, and I like to be stuck at my computer for hours just typing out every inkling of a thought I might have, and of course I love every Barbra Streisand movie. I have a sister, Giselle, and she's a picture perfect Barbie doll with a picture perfect Ken boyfriend. My best nights ever usually involve nights at home with my mom, who happens to be my best friend, watching Young and the Restless and babbling over the highlights of my life. I'm naive but I'm strong, I'm optimistic but realistic. I love to be a flower child. I can't seem to pin down one single interest. I'm a singer and a writer and biology major and i have aspirations to pursue med school and broadway and novels. I'm all over the board. But at my very core, I'm the most hopeless romantic you may find. I walk down the street and wonder if today may be the day I meet the man of my dreams, the boy to stop my heart from breaking in two. I've had many potentials, but hey, at 19 years old you can only imagine the state of these frat stars and womanizers. Guarding my heart doesn't tend to be my strong suit, but I'd rather be the girl that gets broken than the girl in the block of ice. I want to live. I want to be the girl who belts Lady Gaga out of her car window at people on the sidewalks, dances her way out of bed in the morning, and allows the day to sweep her from one surprise to the next. The point of all this, the journaling of secret stashes of my life, is to tell you a story. I don't plan on bitching to you, but rather sketching a picture of a life, rough but real, and maybe one day, we can celebrate together over the triumphs of my life over a glass of virtual wine.

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